Eric and Della have been married for 19 years and share eight children and six grandchildren. The couple was called to plant Kingway Life Church in Houston Texas, and relocated from California to Texas in 2021. Eric and Della immediately felt a great burden for the community and quickly got involved and started hosting small groups. Eric began mentoring teenage dads and at risk youth in the community. Eric is an Assemblies of God minster. He is currently pursuing his degree in Biblical Counseling. 

Eric and Della married and blended their families in 2005. Both were teen parents and came from divorced homes. The couple knew of God but lacked a genuine relationship and discipleship. 

February 2, 2018 forever changed this couple's life. They received a knock on the door that they will never forget. The news was devastating, the life of their oldest daughter Erika Marcella Nanez (22) had been taken. 

Only by God's grace, Eric and Della worked through this tragedy. Through the Holy Spirit's inspired prophecy over the couple and their youngest son Camron, their call from God was reconfirmed. Eric was reminded of the call on his life at the young age of 12. Eric and Della started leading small groups and mentoring couples.

On February 5, 2023, Kingway Life began in Eric and Della's home. This couple along with their launch has a heart for the community. They believe in God-centered marriages and healthy relationships. Kingway believes that love and discipleship will strengthen the community. Nothing is Impossible with God!